MUGA, a Belgian artist and a active
representative of neograffiti, was born and grew up Namur, and is currently living and
working between Marseille and Brussels.
Muga’s art demands from a viewer to approach closely, to be able to see all the subtleties, the details and inscriptions. We are invited to observe these elements as a critique of our society, of images around us, publicity, discourses, media or technology. At the same time, his images contain a certain humour, and represent a small chaos between us and the city, making the city more real for its habitants.
He first
started taking interest in aerosol at the time when Belgium saw the rising of Hip Hop
movement. Very early he turned towards
“stencil”, which he practices since 1996.
It’s in Brussels where Muga put his first stickers
around town, and in 2005 drew attention to himself for his images of
personalities and radios. The motif of radio will constantly repeat itself in
his work, only to become, in different styles and forms, his graphic signature.
He starts
to experiment with different techniques, supports and sizes in his work, and
today, his interventions carry a condensation of these experiments. His past up are multidimensional - from the small ones aimed at a curious and
attentive eye, to the monumental ones, leaving to the imagination the question
of their realisation. They mix figurative and abstract drawings, animals,
people, vegetables, biomechanics, materials, sculptures, letters, sign language
and much more. A strong colour and twinkle underline it all, allowing
his images to communicate with their urban context.Muga’s art demands from a viewer to approach closely, to be able to see all the subtleties, the details and inscriptions. We are invited to observe these elements as a critique of our society, of images around us, publicity, discourses, media or technology. At the same time, his images contain a certain humour, and represent a small chaos between us and the city, making the city more real for its habitants.
His work
has recently been exposed in Belgium, as a part of two exhibitions:
“Explosion: L’art du graffiti a Bruxelles” (Explosion: Brussels Graffiti Art),
in Ixelles Museum, Brussels; and “Vues sur Murs: L’imprime dans
l’art urbain” (Seen on the wall: prints in urban art) in Centre of Gravure and
Printed Image, La Louviere.